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What is Occupational Therapy?

Occupational Therapists (OTs) focus on improving people’s function and optimising their ability to do their everyday ‘occupations’ – what you do in your day-to-day life.


OTs use their understanding of the person (including physical, cognitive, psychological, medical), the environment, and the occupation (tasks, movements, activities, roles) to overcome barriers, address disability or limitations and get someone moving, thinking and doing as best they can.


Whether it be improving your strength and balance, providing equipment to reduce your risk of falls, re-training your brain after chemotherapy or surgery, or helping you manage your fatigue to return to work, Occupational Therapy can improve your independence and quality of life.

Private Sector Patients Shouldn't Miss Out

Occupational Therapy assessment and intervention for people with Cancer is a standard level of care in most public tertiary hospitals in Australia and recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO), however the Australian private health sector is not as well resourced for OTs.

WACOT is the first private Cancer Specialist OT service in Perth – and the only one to focus wholly on people with Cancer. It’s our passion, our expertise and we have well established links with many of Perth’s top Oncologists and Haematologists.


Evidence Based

Occupational Therapy in cancer care is evidence -based. In the last 10 years, more and more Cancer surgeons, Oncologists, Haematologists and Cancer nurses have recognised the benefits of Occupational Therapy for their patients.


Global research continues to explore the ways OTs can support people with cancer to lead better lives and there are more and more studies proving these benefits.


Find out more below:

Occupational Therapy for Adults With Cancer: Why It Matters. 

Pergolotti M, Williams GR, Campbell C, Munoz LA, Muss HB. Occupational Therapy for Adults With Cancer: Why It Matters. Oncologist. 2016;21(3):314-319. doi:10.1634/theoncologist.2015-0335

Occupational therapy in cancer rehabilitation: going beyond physical function in enabling activity and participation.

Corine Rijpkema, Margo Van Hartingsveldt & Martijn M. Stuiver (2018) Occupational therapy in cancer rehabilitation: going beyond physical function in enabling activity and participation, Expert Review of Quality of Life in Cancer Care, 3:1, 1-3, DOI:10.1080/23809000.2018.1438844

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